Quality Webco Boxes for Quality Webco Tips
Quality birch debarker tip boxes built by Mr. Smith for Webco Mill Supply
Some of you might recognize Mr. Smith from your high school days in the Okanogan area. Perhaps you recognize him from coaching Soccer in the spring and basketball in the fall/winters. But you most likely recognize him from the wood shop. Mr. Smith taught wood shop for 35 years at the following schools in the Vernon area at the following schools:
W.L. Seaton Secondary
Clarance Fulton Secondary
Venron Secondary
Kalamalka Secondary
Okay let’s do the math on that ……..
25 kids/class X 7 classes/semester X 2 semesters/yr = 350 kids/yr
350 kids/yr X 35 years of teaching = 12,250 kids
Mr. Smith taught an estimated 12,250 kids woodwork in the Vernon area over his 35x year carrier with the school district. WOW!
Mr. Smith is now retired and surprisingly still retains his passion for wood working. We don’t think we can get a better quality tip box than what Mr. Smith has built for Webco. Let us tell you, we graded his work and it is flawless. A+ Perfect cuts, no wasted materials, counter sunk holes, sanded edges, correct length hardware, square assembly with tight joints, inset hinges and a light coat of oil to seal and protect these quality boxes.
To some it might just be a box, to us these quality boxes need to be strong and durable to ship our quality debarker tips to and from your mill for years to come.
If you didn’t know, Webco Mill Supply offers a “Tip Repair program” Tip repairs are great way to get the most value out of your debarker tips and keep them in service as long as possible. Depending on the level of repair work that is required, repairs offer 30-50% of cost savings compared brand new replacement tip.
Instructions are as follows:
Send used debarker tips to Webco Mill Supply
Tips are inspected and quoted accordingly based on required level of repairs or sharpening
Box of repaired/sharpened tips is returned to you